The Bird of Luck

The other day Eric and I were chatting with new friends, Gizam and Sena. They are from Turkey and we were talking to them about all of the seagulls and pigeons everywhere. Eric is always giving me a hard time because I'm paranoid about getting pooped on. Gizam and Sena told us that in Turkey you WANT to get hit because it's good luck! It's good luck because the bird choses you! Well, we thought that was just the funniest thing and such a backwards thing. But whatever makes the situation better! Well, a few days go by and Eric and I are walking around town. All of the sudden 'splat' and sure enough, Eric was hit. He became the chosen one. He wasn't too happy about it but I just laughed and said "It chose you!" You'll have good luck today!
On Sunday we were walking home from church and guess what. Yep. He gets hit. One week to the day. Except instead of landing on his t-shirt it landed right on top of his head. And it was wet. I thought he was going to have a panic attack. I dry-heaved a bit and had to turn away. I guess that's what he gets for teasing me for being so paranoid!


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