Yes, they do celebrate Halloween here. Don't worry, we didn't miss out on any of the fun this year. We went out with friends and went on a haunted city tour. Our photos turned out really bad and the battery in the camera went dead so we didn't take any photos. But if you're a guy apparently you dress up as either Freddy Cruger or a zombie. And it's not any different here then there for girls. It's their time to S L U T it up.
But going back a few days before Halloween, Brighton has a festival called the White Nights Festival. The town has all sorts of fun things to do during the day into the early hours of the morning. Brighton is always looking for excuses to have a party and this one was to celebrate the time change! At least they make the best of a really dumb thing.
They had a tent for pumpkin carving so we wandered on over to give it a go. They had everything you needed to carve a pumpkin. We did one really quick so we could go hear some bands play later. Here is our masterpiece. It's no where near as grand as all yours (Jeff, Brooke and yes, Shane yours was an architectural masterpiece if we do say so ourselves).
What is it you ask? Well, we don't really know but we like to call him Bill.
And as for the creepy guy in the background - that's Bill. J/K but I just noticed that look he's giving Eric. I think he was mad we showed him up on our sweet carving skills.
Here is Bill trying to get to know some of his fellow comrades. He's just a little shy.
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