Finally! After what has seemed like an eternity the sun is shinning! It may only be for one day but I'll take it! I went for the longest walk along the seafront today and enjoyed the fresh air, the waves breaking on shore and seeing cute kids devouring their little ice cream cones. 

I haven't been one for taking photos lately. I just can't be bothered. But also because we haven't been doing much that constitutes a photographic occasion.

Until now.... 

I figured since this blog is read by Americans more than Englishmen I can get away with this little post of my encounter with the famous Peter Andre! 
Who is this Peter? Well, to be honest I had no idea until I told Rebecca about what was about to ensue. She pulled me into WHSmith and over to the celebrity magazine section. This guy is on the cover of basically EVERY gossip magazine out right now.
So, after finding this news out I began to get a bit nervous of his upcoming visit to the cupcakery. 
He was in a few weeks before with his film crew and wanted to come back with his kids to do a decorating class and film the entire thing. 
The girls and I prepped, cleaned and faffed for hours hoping that we were prepared for whatever came our way. 
I wish I had gotten more photos but we were having so much fun with his kids and trying not to sound like complete dorks in front of the cameras. I don't think I succeeded. Dork is my middle name.
His son Jr. took quite a liking to me and we became instant buddies. He's quite the ladies man.
His daughter Princes (yes, Princes) fits her name nicely and wears a crown to let everyone know it. 
I should have taken a photo of the mess we got to clean up. We're still finding frosting (after the frosting fight) and glitter (from the kids dumping it all over their cakes) everywhere in the shop.
 The visits will air on TV March/April time so I'm hoping the girls will remember to record it for me and send it my way! 
Mr. Andre is a very nice guy but I'm afraid I'm not much of a fan of his music - even though he does love our cupcakes. 

This past weekend was Claudia's birthday.
Happy Birthday chica!

The next day we drove to Chichester to support Kevin and Marcello run a 10k. It was super cold but they ran the race super fast. They are the type of guys that don't warm up, act like they're not all that good at running and then basically beat everyone. 
After, we went to Smith & Weston. It's what you would call and "a western-american steakhouse". It was huge, the portions were huge and there was western music playing, and american flags hanging all about. So not english in the least bit. I felt right at home and my craving for Texas Roadhouse subsided.
We celebrated Claudia's birthday again (why not keep the festivities going?) and they brought out the largest brownie ice cream sundae I have ever seen - complete with fireworks! Now, if THAT's not American, I don't know what is. 

Speaking of America, if you haven't heard already, we're comin' back. 
February 21st to be exact.

A few things I'm looking forward to:
1. not having my brain cramp up when trying to convert celsius into fahrenheit so I know what the temperature really is.
2. having a separate washer and dryer in a room other than the kitchen.
3. free refills
4. Cafe Rio

A few things I'm going to miss:
1. Sunday roasts at the pub
2. little kids speaking (they sound so grownup and posh with their little accents)
3. the craziness that is Brighton (i.e. naked bike parade)
4. the many, many sheep encounters on country walks

Of course there are many more things to add to these lists but these are just a few. I'm sure more will follow in upcoming posts. 
